How you can increase your YouTube views by just 3 simple steps

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How you can increase your YouTube views by just 3 simple steps
YouTubes Views

You have created great content but not getting enough views and then you watched many youtube videos and read tons of articles to get more views and they told you many confusing things like share on social platforms, use tags in your description and many other things.

But did you know that Title and thumbnail of your YouTube video play the most important role? 

Many YouTuber or you can say every successful YouTuber puts the same efforts into making their thumbnail as they do in their YouTube videos because it’s a very logical thing cuz most of the audience decides whether to watch the video or not on the basis of their thumbnail and title

If you thinking that making a good video thumbnail or finding a Title is difficult, then you are absolutely wrong. I will guide you with the most efficient ways or the most simple way to create thumbnails and titles

Firstly, How will to create a professional YouTube Video Thumbnail?

A good thumbnail can give you more views than having good content this does not mean that good content is not important because viewers will quit the video and then you will not get enough watch time.
And more important if you don’t have good engagement then YouTube will not suggest your content.
You can make a professional-looking thumbnail by using Canvas

What is Canva?

Canva is a free tool for creating awesome/professional Thumbnail, Banners or any Graphical design for your social platform. It does not require and pro skills like you do in Adobe Photoshop.
tI doesn’t require any software just go to their website and you are ready to use Canva

If you don’t have a computer then you can also use Canva on your Smartphone 
Click on the Button go to the official Website

Click here to download from Android & iOS

It’s very simple to use, or you can watch some tutorial for advance stuff

Finally, the most important How to find out a good title for YouTube Video?

Now you have created a professional thumbnail and the next step is finding a good title 
YouTube Video title should be short but informative So any viewer can understand what is your video all about because the title is the first part where your audience sees before the video. It can make a day or night difference

YouTube algorithm chooses the content from various SEO factors. One of the most important factors is Title. Generally, the new YouTubers won’t pay attention to their title and description parts because these are the most essential factors to rank your video on top.
Find out keywords that are ranking on Google or which are treading and use them in your title

How will you find out keywords?

You can use google keyword planner for finding out keywords with their search volume for free,
You can also use an SEO tool like TubeBuddy

Use Attention grabbing words like “Amazing, Wow, Latest, Most”

And Please avoid Clickbait because it will lower your engagement time

Last but not Least, Using Tags

Writing or finding out tags is the least exciting thing. I will tell you How to find Tags in just one click?

Go to google and search “YouTube Tags Generator” and open any website you like and search the main keyword of your video and you will get tons of tags just select whichever tag you like and copy-paste them in your video while uploading

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